Seeing the media coverage over the past two weeks of children brought to tears, the fear in their voices, and their trembling tiny little limbs as they are separated from their parents on the American border, brought me to tears. I find that more and more frequently adult decisions are impacting on the lives and happiness of innocent children who have not chosen their geographical birthplace, whether or not their parents’ marriage will be a success or whether their parents were or were not bonded in union. There are too many tears, there are too many broken fragile hearts and it’s heart-breaking. Being a strong advocate of solid, proactive patenting and an active father, I follow many different groups on social media – breastfeeding groups, education groups, groups which promote the importance of fathers, groups which promote the importance of mothers, and even those groups consisting of fun individuals who dress their kids up in silly costumes so that we can have an aaah cute moment.
Whilst scrolling this morning, I had the misfortune (or
fortune) of seeing a video where the caption read “dad was awarded custody in 2010 after the mother was incarcerated, as
soon as she was released, the judge ordered that the child be returned to her”. The video shows a dejected father, sitting,
slumped up against a car door whilst the child pleads and cries, holding onto
his father, exhaustedly repeating the phrase “no, I don’t want to go”. Unfortunately this is not an isolated incident (read here to see how the impact of being separated from your children can lead to suicide).
We are shocked and outraged by the images seen this week –
and I strongly feel that the media have done an incredible job on reporting the
atrocities happening on the American border – yet we seem to overlook that this
is going on all over the world within our borders; and apparently
more frequently than we would have ourselves believe.
As a Western society we are constantly seeking out
equality. Pride Week is fast
approaching, recognising the equality of sexual orientation and Women’s Rights
and equal pay are hot on the list, but are we not in danger of moving beyond
equality in the opposite direction?
Surely equality means just that – and nothing sits closer on my heart
than equality for parents when it comes to loving their little ones and having
unlimited access to them (unless of course there are legitimate safety
concerns). Equality doesn’t seem to open
its arms and embrace the many parents who are desperately fighting to be a part
of their children’s lives. Unfortunately
it seems to be the fathers who find themselves in this horrid nightmare far
more often than mothers. The fact that I
might fall prey to sardonicism doesn’t escape me; I am aware that this post
would carry greater gravitas if I were a mother writing this, but the fact is
I’m not a mother, and I’m not rallying the troops in support of mothers or
fathers, but purely intending on commenting on something which is a grave
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